Four-Part Harmony

The church is a unique gathering that surpasses any human body. It is not the gym; it is not the school, it is not the PTA. It is a special assembly of people who belong to Jesus Christ. At Eastern Shore, we approach our Lord through three primary avenues.

The Harmony of Worship

Worship is no spectator sport. We all worship. There are no specially trained singers who perform. Instead, we all join together, blending our voices in praise to God. We join our hearts together in prayer and our minds and thoughts together as we assemble weekly around the Lord's table. The preaching is solely Bible-based and teaches clear, simple, Bible answers to the problems of today. Our goal is to worship simply, like the original Christians who were guided directly by the Lord's apostles and the Holy Spirit. 

The Harmony of Study

We come to know Jesus better through a study of his word. We place a high priority on knowing God's word. Each individual is encouraged to do his own study. To help, we assemble for Bible study on Sunday morning and Wednesday night. Classes, by qualified teachers, are provided for all ages. We also offer two Bible studies during the week for women and two for men. Our young people are part of an active group that studies the word through devotionals as well as their Bible classes. From time to time we provide specialized seminar-style lessons on important topics.

The Harmony of Service

Jesus teaches his people to care for and serve one another. We take that to heart. Service comes in many forms. Individuals from Eastern Shore are often found carrying meals to the sick and infirm. Sometimes the meals are part of an organized effort to serve someone in need. At other times, our people simply learn of a need and rush to meet it. We are found serving monthly at the Ronald McDonald House in Mobile. There, we provide a freshly cooked meal for the families of children hospitalized at Children's and Women's Hospital. We purchase, pack and deliver Holiday Gift boxes to those in our area who struggle during the holidays. Of course, we are also active in disaster relief efforts and are involved in works across the nation.

The Harmony of Evangelism

We are incredibly loved by Jesus. We want to share his message with all who will listen. We seek to study the Bible, in homes, coffee shops or in our building. We provide free literature for study too. Eastern Shore is hard at work in the Caribbean. We work in campaigns in Guyana and operate a Bible University in the south of the country. A medical mission team supports that evangelism working in and through our clinic in Lethem, Guyana. Jesus told his people to take the message of salvation to all, and we are trying to do just that.

There is a place for you at Eastern Shore. We would be deeply honored to have you join us.